Chase (April 2012)

This was my first foray into lighting.
Lessons learned
1. Label everything
To help keep a scene organized be sure to label anything you add to the scene. When you’re trying to find in object in the outliner or some other editor it’s much faster to search for a specific name and not “Area Light 1”.
Things that went right
1. Experimentation
Overall I’m happy with the results of the scene, I managed to get the results I envisioned from the get-go, along with some happy accidents, and all it took was a bit of playing around with the settings. There are times I found tweaking numbers here and there just to see what the result was ended giving me a favorable outcome. The same can apply in animation, sometimes over exaggerating a pose or trying a new pose entirely will give you a better result that you may not have immediately thought of in the planning stages.
Bishop rig provided by Animation Mentor
Wolf rig provided by Niklas Wennersten